Self Directed Project: Painting For Inspiration

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Reflection: Filming Shoot 1

The 'Bridges' shoot yesterday was my first ever experience on a location film shoot and I absolutely loved it! I was anticipating the very early start and the team work needed to complete a shoot in just one day but on top of this I learnt a lot more valuable lessons from this day which I will gladly take with me to my shoot next Tuesday and even further.
One of the most key aspects of my role as an assistant this day was to basically take the stress off the designer in anyway I could and to keep the two actors warm and happy. I ended up taking photos for one actors portfolio and driving to and from a pub restroom a lot!
Most importantly on this shoot and, I am assuming, on my one as well was how patient we had to be. There was a lot of sitting around in the cold chatting with the actors, set photographer and the Make-up designer while cameras were moved and new shots set up. I was aware that this would be the case and there was apart of me that was a little worried that it might be tedious, however, I have found every single one of the crew to be fab to hang out with and time flew even when we did have very little to do during the day.
The director of this film was exceptionally well organised and professional for a second year student and it was a pleasure to work with him and his team. I cannot wait to work on the film I have designed for next week and experience a shoot all over again!

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