Self Directed Project: Painting For Inspiration

Tuesday 3 April 2012

AUCB: Costume Archive

Once I decided upon a Vicorian period for the remake, I contacted the UNI costume store to see what range they have for the costumes I need. For the male character a good dark suit with a hat is key, and it has to be of a high quality as it was in the original as they are described as a wealthy couple. The woman's costume is slightly harder as the green of her dress is very important for the composition of the image as well as sybolism. Fortuneatley, after correspondance with the Costume Store I found that UNI has a small selection of green, Victorian highend dresses. The greens are not as bright as that one in the original, however this doesn't matter as I wanted to transfer everything to the Victorian style which also includes the colour palette and colours were more demure and muted in this period.
Some of the Female Costume Store garments in the online catalogue [1]:


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